The Many Deaths of Lily Kosen: Character Profiles

The Many Deaths of Lily Kosen: Character Profiles

A profile card containing information about Gabriel, one of the characters in The Many Deaths of Lily Kosen

A profile card containing information about Gabriel, one of the characters in The Many Deaths of Lily Kosen

Hopeful Leader

Cool, calm, and collected, Gabriel is the perfect leader. He’s always got one plan or another for what to do, and he’s good at listening to his friends. If he’s got any weaknesses, he’s good at hiding them, and he knows when to put his own issues aside. Gabriel always tries to help people to the best of his efforts…even when it might not be the best thing to do.

A profile card containing information about Victoria, one of the characters in The Many Deaths of Lily Kosen

A profile card containing information about Victoria, one of the characters in The Many Deaths of Lily Kosen

Hotheaded Warrior

The oldest member of the group, Victoria is hot-headed and impulsive. She tends to act first and ask questions later - if at all - and can always be relied on to be unpredictable. Her attitude can sometimes cause her to butt heads with her friends, but nobody ever holds a grudge - it’s not like she intentionally antagonises them, after all. Victoria’s recklessness usually doesn’t cause any problems that can’t be resolved, but that isn’t to say that it couldn’t in the future.

A profile card containing information about Hannah, one of the characters in The Many Deaths of Lily Kosen

A profile card containing information about Hannah, one of the characters in The Many Deaths of Lily Kosen

Anxious Ally

Some events in Hannah’s past have left her somewhat shy and withdrawn, and she’s not always the best at saying what she wants. She’s smart and tries to be a useful asset, but she rarely takes the initiative. Even though she loves all of her friends, she often feels uncomfortable or overwhelmed in their presence. Hannah is nevertheless a good person, but she’s not exactly the best person to rely on in an emergency.

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